Being with him makes Ur blood PRESSURE grow higher and higher … his nottiness and characters would blow Ur temper out of the spec.
“mommy nih asyik membebel aje, I’ll fire U with my power baru tau!!”
But not having him around makes U feel empty … with him u can burst into laugh out of sudden …
“ adik nih notti kita jual kat GIANT boleh tak ?” tot mommy buy adik from GIANT STORE…perghhh
A’aNz aka bOtak aka Rongak … heheheh that's what I'd always tease him
Acidz would kill me if he hear me calling this .. hehheheh….
He loves everything about Ultraman, Spiderman, Batman or Ben10… he dream that when he grow up he’ll be like them … Got all power that he needs just push this button or that button, then “KABOOM” everything goes well… Huh, he's so imaginative and creative that sometimes caused U headache
“Botak if I can just bite U on the ear…u wait for mommy!”
Ask him to do substraction, addition or spelling; U can hear him blabbering all day long
“mommy nape asyik2 AaNz je, jack2 tak payah PoNnnnnn…” comparing him with his 2yrs old brother
took him 4hrs just 2 finish his 2pages of maths homework or 2hrs simply to make correction for his spelling …
duhhhh … “hello Botak aka Rongak”
if ur mommy got power hah I just wanna “kaboom” u so that u can sits still and finish ur homework by USING ur head and not with Ur mouth every minutes blaberring …
talks about him … makes my blood go UP UP over the LEVEL …. Hehheheh
No matter how he is … I always love him … he makes my life more cheerful
as it is in his name: The Cheerfulness and Joyfulness;
U scold him. 5 minutes later, u’ll find him already pressing the RESET Button – CHEER MODE, and totally forgot that u’d just scold him……. What a Ben10!!
Perginya Mak Ajah … Alfatihah
Assalamualaikum as much i wanted to write; i kept on deleting the contents.
Bonda tercinta saya or known as Mak Ajah telah pulang ke rahmatullah pada
5 years ago
4 jot few words...:
Memang comey...Sedihnya...
Kakak tak pernah bela kucing. Dari kecik arlegi, tapi kalau tengok dari jauh tu sukalah...
Masa kja tecik2 dolu2, zaman anak dara dolu2, family kja bela 'ramai' kucing.. Kami slalu melepak melepek ptg2 sambil cari kutu kucing..
La ni tak leh lg dah, sbb kja ada allergic rhinitis.. Kucing dok sebatu lagi, kja dah siap bersin bagai nak rak!!
Tp paling tak tahan bela kucing ni, bila tengok dia dah tak bernyawa lagi, kan? Sedeyyy giler2 punya..
ha-ah betul kata kakak n kak ja...dulu pon mmg tak boleh ngan kucing HANYA comey nih aja yg boleh sbb amik dari baby lagik then mandikan dia semua... MULA-mula berair mata bersin bagai ... then dah 3-4 kali mandikan dia ... jd ok dah ...
tapi sbb dah bela dr kecik ah terasa hati bile comey pergi tak bernyawa lagik ...huhuhuh
alahai... sedey nyer...